Monday, March 13, 2006

Life goes on

As I am back to teaching lifespan development online- I was posting there and not here - ahhhhh.

The U.S. Census Bureau recently reported that we are living longer and that the over 65 population will double in the next 25 years. We will see lower rates of disability in this population as compared to now.

Other findings were that more over 65ers are still working - because they want to - not necessarily because they have to. Granted many work because they need the salary and the benefits but many work because they like what they are doing.

I read somewhere that more people over 65 are taking up new careers - turning hobbies into businesses or going to school to learn a new profession. Why not? You might have another solid 20 or more years to do your "new thing."

When in my late 40's I went back to school I was not the only older person there - many of us were into our 2nd, 3rd or 4th careers.

With the possibility of living a much longer life than our predecessors, we can have a few careers in one lifetime.

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